Wednesday, September 23, 2009


One is a lot of things...the loneliest number, a singular sensation, a U2 song, first is now the age of my baby girl! Haley turned one this morning at 6:30 am. She was not so happy with her Happy Birthday wake up song. In fact, she cried the whole time. I could be the fact that she stayed up late last night and normally sleeps until 8. The rule in our house is nobody cries alone, so mommy cried for a little while, too. I never knew that a year could go by so fast!

Haley now walks all of the time and loves to talk to "Gu". We all know that is Gus. Yes, our child's first word was the dog's name. I will post photos from her cupcake tonight.

Happy Birthday Haley!

1 comment:

Parker and Janet said...

Happy Birthday Haley!!! So fun that she is walking!